Jan 14, 2025
Michigan Softball Coaching Hall of Famer Michael K. Thompson appeared on the "Coachable Coach" series of the SUCCESS IS A CHOICE PODCAST NETWORK.
Together with host Jamy Bechler, they discussed ...
Michael K. Thompson's experience includes 25 years coaching high school football and 20+ years coaching fastpitch softball with his school and summer travel teams. He was inducted into the Michigan High School Softball Coaches Hall of Fame in 2016.
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"The Coachable Coach" series on the Success is a Choice Podcast Network goes beyond the X's and O's as Jamy Bechler talks with some of the best sports coaches. Jamy talks with coaches who value growth, improvement, and leadership – not just with their athletes but for themselves, as well. They believe that a strong culture doesn’t just happen by accident. Good coaches may know the X’s and O’s, the tactics, and strategies that should lead to winning BUT great coaches know their athletes. Great coaches go beyond the X’s and O’s. Great coaches know how to inspire their athletes to do their best and maximize their chances for success.
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Jamy Bechler is the author of eight books including The Captain and The Bus Trip, host of the Success is a Choice Podcast, professional speaker, and trains organizations on creating championship cultures. He previously spent 20 years as a college basketball coach and administrator. The Leadership Playbook is Bechler’s online program that helps athletes become better teammates and more positive leaders while strengthening a team’s culture. As a certified John Maxwell leadership coach, Bechler has worked with businesses and teams, including the NBA. Follow him on Twitter at @CoachBechler. To connect with him via email or find out about his services, please contact speaking@CoachBechler.com