Apr 25, 2023
Brian Stanchak (founder of the BDS Agency and agent for some of the top college basketball coaches) appeared on the "Success is a Choice" podcast to discuss a variety of topics with host Jamy Bechler including ...
✅ Interviewing tips
✅ What an agent does
✅ Advice on networking
✅ Professional development
✅ Qualities of a good coach
✅ Why an agent is important
✅ Understanding the job search process
Connect with Brian ...
◾ Personal Twitter: @BDStan
◾ Company Twitter: @TheBDSAgency
◾ Event Twitter @HeadCoachTC
◾ Website: TheBDSagency.com
◾ Event Website: HeadCoachTC.com
◾ Email: Brian@thebdsagency.com
◾ Linkedin: Linkedin.com/in/BrianDStanchak
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Each week, the SUCCESS IS A CHOICE podcasting network brings you leadership expert Jamy Bechler and guest experts who provide valuable insights, tips, and guidance on how to maximize your potential, build a stronger culture, develop good leadership, create a healthy vision, optimize results, and inspire those around you.
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The Success is a Choice podcast network is made possible by TheLeadershipPlaybook.com. Great teams have great teammates and everyone can be a person of influence. Whether you're a coach, athletic director, or athlete, you can benefit from this program and now you can get 25% off the price when you use the coupon code CHOICE at checkout. Build a stronger culture today with better teammates and more positive leaders.
If you like motivational quotes, excerpts, or thoughts, then you'll want to check out Jamy Bechler's book "The Coach's Bulletin Board" as it has more than 1,000 positive insights to help you (and those around you) get motivated and inspired. Visit JamyBechler.com/BulletinBoardBook.
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Thanks again for listening and remember that “Success is a choice. What choice will you make today?”
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Jamy Bechler is the author of five books including "The Captain" and "The Bus Trip", host of the Success is a Choice Podcast, professional speaker, and trains organizations on creating championship cultures. He previously spent 20 years as a college basketball coach and administrator. TheLeadershipPlaybook.com is Bechler's online program that helps athletes become better teammates and more positive leaders while strengthening a team's culture. As a certified John Maxwell leadership coach, Bechler has worked with businesses and teams, including the NBA. Follow him on Twitter at @CoachBechler. To connect with him via email or find out about his services, please contact speaking@CoachBechler.com. You can also subscribe to his insights on success and leadership by clicking here.