In today’s episode, we discuss:
Jul 16, 2020
Here is a replay of one of my favorite episodes when Michael Catt appeared on our show. Michael is the senior pastor of Sherwood Church in Albany, Georgia and has produced movies such as "Facing the Giants" and "Fireproof". We talk about racial issues and our relationships with others. He shares how we should be conducting ourselves with interacting with people - even those that are different than us. It is a relevant interview for today.
Below are the original show notes ...
Michael Catt is the pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, GA, which has a congregation of more than 3,000 people. His church has produced major films such as “Facing the Giants”, “Courageous”, and “Fireproof”. Michael also served as the Executive Producer of “Woodlawn”, a film by the Erwin Brothers about the impact of the Jesus Movement on an Alabama high school football team in the 1970s. Pastor Catt has authored 12 books including the Love Dare Curriculum and Fireproof Your Life. He is also the founder of the nationally renowned ReFresh conference.
In today’s episode, we discuss:
Pastor Catt’s Website:
Follow Pastor Catt on Twitter: @MichaelCatt
Pastor Catt’s Facebook:
Sherwood Baptist Website:
Sherwood Pictures:
Read Pastor Catt’s extensive bio and accomplishments by clicking here.
Some of the books that Pastor Catt has authored include…
Pastor Catt recommends The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan
He founded the ReFRESH Conferences, which are designed to lead pastors and lay leaders to seek the face of God through focused times of corporate worship and prayer, as well as biblical teaching on revival, repentance, and the Spirit-filled life.
Pastor Catt mentioned Daniel Simmons, the pastor of Mt. Zion Church in Albany, GA
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